Responses are elements on a trial that are used to record participant data. There are two broad categories of responses on FindingFive: visible responses and background responses. We go over their differences in the sections below.
Visible responses, as the name suggests, are visible to participants. They also usually require actions on participants' part, such as clicking a button in a chioce response, select a rating in a rating response, and so on. The actions taken by participants are recorded, typically with reaction time and the outcome of participants' choices.
If a trial contains more than one visible response, the responses are also displayed one by one instead of at the same time. This is a constraint, but it also makes sure that the reaction time for each response is measured correctly - the reaction time always reflects the duration between when participants see a response and when they take an action on it.
Background responses are usually invisible to participants but they still collect data from participants' actions. These actions may include mouse movements, key presses, or even audio input. Researchers must disclose to participants that their data are being collected via other mechanisms (for example, in a consent form, on an instruction trial that informs participants of the nature of the study).
Background responses do not have the same sequential constraint like visible responses. In other words, you can have a visible response and one or more background responses active at the same time. For example, you can ask participants to make a choice using a choice response (visible) and while record their mouse movements using the mouse movement response (background). Or you can even use multiple background responses on the same trial at the same time.
Once you have created a new study and landed on the study editing page, you can create a new response by clicking the plus button in the Responses section of the page and add content in this format:
"type": "choice",
"choices": ["Good Choice", "Even Better!"]
Please use the left blue navigation bar to check out each response!